jeudi 19 mars 2020

How to improve your Digital Brand?

We are living in an age where technology is playing a big role in life. Today we often talk about e-reputation (The online reputation). Here I will give you some area you can develop to improve your e-reputation and therefore your digital brand.

1. Social Media
I want it to be clear: With the predominance of social media in our life, social media users leave traces of their personality and characteristics online. This may have some positive or negative effects on our life in the short or long term. So you had better make sure that your social media usages align with what you tend to show with your e-reputation.

2. Articles
Academicians, Bloggers and Professionals often appear on articles. The good thing about articles is that it gives better credibility than social media in the sense where it is more complex to write an article that to write an easy social media post as it requires more knowledge and technique

3. Affiliation
Most of the affiliation we belong to can be considered as a tool to measure our e-reputation. Differently from social media and articles that generally refer to individuals, Affiliations belong to organisations, therefore. This brings a big change in the way that knowing to what organisation you belong to means knowing what causes you stand for.

Affiliation is also affecting the e-reputation because It tells what kind of people you are usually surrounded by.

For example, If somebody is mostly primary affiliated to a university this shows that this person had some proximity for education that somebody is mostly primary affiliated to a tennis club company.

It is important to have good e-reputation in case you would like to improve your digital brand. It does not matter if you are an individual or an organisation because after all, we all belong to the international net and are connected. A better digital brand will have a better impact on your career, business and life.

mercredi 18 mars 2020

Do you need to change your LinkedIn account when facing career Change?

I have met with many friends who believe you should frequently change your LinkedIn accounts for fresh starts. I  do not believe in this theory as LinkedIn is more about your professional career history.

In case you are having a new job in the same industry, I do not believe there is any need of you to create a new Linkedin account because the old one you have may contain connections from your previous work. Ancient colleagues, therefore, become the first professional connections.

Also, many certifications are linked to your account and deleting the account may have negative effects as you may lose some of your credentials.

Remember that it is hard to establish a reputation on LinkedIn as it is a very competitive social network. As soon as you can establish your self and your reputation with your account, you will save time and energy not to go and create a new one.

At the end of the day, everybody has his/her point of view about this issue but I do believe you do not need to create a new account except in case of force majeure. Unfortunately, we are humans we may have some misunderstanding or we may have made mistakes that we need to detach ourselves from: In such a case it is advisable to create a new account but remember to always have one LinkedIn account to avoid any suspicious activity from your peers.

Take care.
Contact me in case you need help to develop or boost your LinkedIn account

mardi 10 mars 2020

Tips to escape from sugar cravings.

Hello and happy new week!
I don't know about you but I love sugar and can't really do anything about it.

since childhood I do consume a lot of sweet groceries. Also I should remind that my parents both worked in the alimentation sector. Dad owns shops and mum runned a small restauration business.
I had never had issues with sugar until I reached my adulthood.

Fortunatly enough I stated to learn more about sugar and it's unpleasant consequences. Then I learned something that really surprised me :

The only source of sugar tolerable for humans is natural sugar.

This means that we should not consume any processed or cooked food.
This may sounds cruel but after experimenting this for a week I can testify that this is true. This is even more trivial if you are susceptible to have diabetes.

Natural sugar is untestable the best sugar source for athletes and sport persons.

My favourites are:

1. Oranges
Oranges are very sweet and also they are good sources of magnesium. Magnesium is very important in case you do a lot of abs workout.

2.  Apples

My favourite sugar envy killers. Apples can Keep you full for hours in case you are fasting or cuting your calories count.

3. 🍌 Banana
🍌 are very sweet and I like them for the dinner especially when they come from Cameroon.

You have any questions concerning the best alternatives to replace your sugar intake, send me an email and I will be happy to help you.

dimanche 8 mars 2020

how Often do you declutter ?

I am using an application called fabulous.
The goal of this app is  to help people becoming fabulous.

The app have many tasks that you can enter in the habit lists. Those habits done day by day will help you become a better you after some years.

The tasks have the following tasks;
1. Pray
2. Read 
3. Do an artistic work
4. Sleep well
5. Drink water and much more.

But there is also a very nice task called declutter

It is very interesting to know how decluttering  an have such a positive impact on your personality.  This was obvious when I saw the excitement of the community joining this challenge.

I really loved a book Sleep Smarter written by Shawn Stevenson. The message is simple: " if you want to change the world, first make your bed".

I believe it's crucial to keep our environment clean either at work or home. We need to be in a clean place to have a clean mind.

Happy reading!

Do you have any lifetime goal?

Hello !
It is a always a pleasure to have you around.
I am trained as an engineer and during my years in school we always had at least 2 projects per semester. At the beginning,it was frustrating to work very hard on a project that only carried maximum 15% of the overall grade.

But how happy we felt when accomplishing something  we made from scratch. 

All I want to tell you is to always do what you like. It's very painful to realise that we didnt do what we like.
So the first step is to identify what makes you happy and to go for it.

If you have any project you are working on concerning business, technology or lifestyle where I can be of any help: please hit me up.
Take care! 

jeudi 5 mars 2020

Can we stop learning?

From childhood we receive this basic education home or in our birth environment. 

Later on, we start to go to school or to a certain place to acquire a formal or structured education.

By the time passe on, we get degrees and jobs but it doesn't stop there. Because as soon as you land a new job, the company pass you through months of incubation to get familiar with the environment at work.

It doesn't stop after this because need to participate to meetings and conferences. This is the same with academia.

Simply said, education never stop;education can't stop. Even if you dont attend school or never get a new job,you  still learn wherever you are because life experiences are education by their own. 

People relationships are an education for people involved as they learn each other day by day and make sure to keep the relation safe.

Concerning me,I do use excellent websites out there where you can learn anything for free.  I do encourage you to check it out.
6. Data camp

These websites have courses given by professionals in their fields with hands on experiences. 

Check them out! 
They are all free. Happy learning.

In case you need help to get courses corresponding to your profile and career let me know. 

mardi 3 mars 2020

Yoga for back Pain

Good morning! 

I am a sport enthusiast and I had a back injury 3 years ago while doing some bar fix exercise.

I have been to a doctor and fortunately the problem is minor. But I do have some pain from time to time.

The problem is, I used to do fitness without following any program. I liked to go straight to the point without warming up. 

The warming should start gently, do not warm as if you were working up. Start gently then you can go harder if you want. 

The bottle line here is that I advise you to always follow a workout routine that is designed by professionals. 

Here are some good apps you can use to get nice programmes:

Samsung health 
Adidas Training
Workout Trainer 

Now, for those who have some back pains,
I advice you this video I found online that can help you relieve from pain .

It can least from 5 to 15 mins depending on you.
Check this by Ozzie Jacobs :

Happy reading.
See you next time. 

Bath Music for a Better Mood

Hello, welcome to my blog.

I am often very busy and that is a reason why shower corresponds to my relaxation time. I worked 40 hours per week apart from from my other home responsabilty.

I usually listen to my favourite RAP or EDM music that provide me a very exciting bath time.

But recently with slow and calm music I realise that I do get more pleasure and peaceful bath.
For about 2 weeks, my mood has completely changed from an angry mood to a balanced mood. And I do not really complain.

I came across a very beautiful shower sound on soundcloud that I would like to share with you guys.

Shower Music:

I also like this nice video sound from youtube:
EPIC THUNDER & RAIN | Rainstorm sounds For Relaxing, Focus or sleep | White Noise 10 Hours

But what I like the most is to play both a shower sound and relaxing sound at the same time.

Let me know if you enjoy these tracks.
Also do you listen to music when you shower?